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Writer's pictureMustafa Şen

Dynamics - Soft Body / Cloth

Updated: Apr 2, 2022

Let's continue from our previous post. It's here.


Soft Body allows objects to interact and deform at the vertex level. It is like an extension of RBD. There are some additional settings.

Soft Body and Cloth's basic working logic is based on springs. We can call spring as the inter-vertex connections. By adjusting parameters such as spring stiffness, softness, vibration, the gathering and interactions of vertexes can be defined.

Spring ...

Some 3D Spring types:

Let's take a look at the basic parameters of Soft Body:

Stiffness : Defines and controls the distance between vertexes. High stiffness is less deformation, keeeping vertices away as much as possible.

Damping : As we saw in RBD, it lowers the kinetic energy of the object. Soft Body does this at vertex level. If your simulation can not stop and continues to vibrate, you can correct it by increasing the damping.

Pressure/Inflation : Applies internal pressure to closed objects. It inflates the object like a balloon. Negative values ​​have the opposite effect.

Apart from these, there are also parameters such as Shear, Flexion, Strechiness, Bendiness specific to Spring types according to the software.


While Cloth is the same as SBD with many parameters, it has a few special parameters and add-ons of its own. Dressing is an important feature. It's like tailoring in a way. Softwares can work quite differently at this point.

Tear : Tear comes first among the cloth-specific parameters. It can also be used with SBD, but its main purpose is to tear the fabric under certain conditions.

Tear amount, externally applied forces and overall Stiffness values are important. The lower the Stiffness, the higher the chance of tearing.

Fix Points : It is a method used to fix certain vertices on the cloth to a vector value in the world space or fix to an object. Varies by application. The object must be editable, not parametric in order to specify vertices.

In C4D, after selecting the desired vertices, they can be fixed to the world space with Fix Points/Set method under the Cloth/Dresser menu, or can be fixed to a desired object by adding Cloth Belt Tag.

In 3D Studio Max/mCloth modifier, you need to reach the Vertex sub menu, select vertices and set them as a Group with "Make Group" command, then assign a "node" to this group and select the object to be attached.

Self Collision : It is one of the most important parameters of the cloth. It prevents any deformed fabric from intertwining with itself. It is an expensive feature in terms of performance.

You need to research the relevant method of the software used to create a design by tailoring the cloth and assembling the pieces.

In C4D it is called Dresser. In 3D Studio Max it is Garment Maker. Bu C4D'de Dresser, 3D Studio Max'de Garment Maker olarak geçer. The way they work is very different so we will not look at them one by one.

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