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Mustafa Şen
3 min read
Gargantua, Black holes and Hawking Radiation
Easy, we have nothing to do with Hawking or Radiation. We will try to mimic black hole simulation we saw in the movie Interstellar. Now,...
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Mustafa Şen
6 min read
Biased vs Unbiased Render
In this subject, we will try to explain an advanced and complex topic. If you like to watch pictures, paint kids books and easily get...
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Mustafa Şen
4 min read
Linear Workflow ( LWF ) Part 2
Picking up where we left off of LWF and continue with softwares. We talked about the advantages of LWF. Like many advantages, LWF comes...
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Mustafa Şen
3 min read
Linear Workflow ( LWF ) Part 1
Now, previously we saw Gamma workflow and how it can produce natural looking results. So then is there a problem with Gamma workflow? To...
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Mustafa Şen
4 min read
Now, this is where the things may get crazy. I will try to explain as simply as I can but nonetheless be cautious. This is a subject that...
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Mustafa Şen
6 min read
Cinema 4D Tips Tricks
Cinema 4d, crown jewel of mograph artists, indispensable of shoe advertisements, and the father of abstract meaningless works. In this...
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Mustafa Şen
3 min read
Dynamics - Forces
It would not be an exaggeration to say that forces are the mother of all simulations. It is unthinkable for anything to move without...
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Mustafa Şen
3 min read
Dynamics - Fluid / Gaseous
Gaseous simulations are much like liquid simulations that they generally work with plugins such as FumeFX, Turbulence FD, X-Particles....
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Mustafa Şen
4 min read
Dynamics - Fluid / Liquid
After this point, simulations such as liquid/gas are usually obtained with some plug-ins or external software that are not included in 3d...
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Mustafa Şen
2 min read
Dynamics - Hair/Fur
Simply imitates the behavior of hair, fur, feathers, etc. The process is generally divided into three parts. Material, Styling and...
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Mustafa Şen
2 min read
Dynamics - Soft Body / Cloth
Let's continue from our previous post. It's here. SOFT BODY Soft Body allows objects to interact and deform at the vertex level. It is...
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Mustafa Şen
4 min read
Dynamics - Rigid Body
Our aim will be to explain the simulation types and parameters we use in 3d software as much as we can. You can also see it as a kind of...
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Mustafa Şen
3 min read
Glass Fracture Problem...
Kurşun, top, tahta, Supermen... Bazen saydığımız cisimlerin camı çerçeveyi indirip şov yapmasını isteriz. Bunu nasıl yaparız ? Basit ince...
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Mustafa Şen
3 min read
Color Space, Adobe RGB, sRGB...
Color spaces are limited color areas which designed to show similar colors on different output devices like cameras, printers, monitors....
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Mustafa Şen
5 min read
Color Depth, Bit Per Channel (BPC)
In this article, we will cover the subject of Color Depth, Bit Per Channel (BPC), which is one of the first steps of color management....
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